What's your husband's name? Chris
How long have you guys been married? 14 1/2 years
How long did you date? Well we met on main street in Price when i was a sophmore and went dragging main with all his friends. We were supposed to meet them the next day in Castle Dale but we dogged them because we didnt want to date Emery county boys. Then the beginning of my Senior year we got set up on a blind date. Still, I didnt want to date a guy from Emery County. Then after I graduated me and a friend went up north to visit her boyfriend and yes, Chris was his roommate so thats when we decided to hook up. We officially dated for 6 months before we got married. It's weird how he kept popping up in my life...
How old is he? He will be 36 in July
Who eats more sweets? That would be him. I dont like sweets. I'm more of a salty eater
Who said "I love you" first? Hm, I cant remember!
Who is taller? Chris is 6'2" and I'm 5'5"
Who is the better singer? We both sound like crap!! But we try
Who is smarter? Chris is smarter at like mechanical stuff and history and I'm smarter at everything else
Who does the laundry? That would be me. I wont let anyone do the laundry. I'm to worried they will dry something that shouldn't be dried.
Who pays the bills? I do most of the time
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does
Who mows the lawn? He does, but i think i mowed it once.
Who cooks dinner? I usually do but sometimes he will make these really good meals
Who drives? When we are together, he does
Who's the first to admit they are wrong? That would be me
Who kissed who first? I dont know, it was so long ago
Who asked out who first? Well we went out through friends. Then i think he asked me out.
Who wears the pants? We take turns but I usually do
I tag: Jenny, Jamie, Kelley