Wednesday, October 1, 2008




whitefamily said...

Makette!! Hey girl! I had no idea that you have a blog!! I found you on Rachel's Blog. What's up with that? Just kidding ;) Well Matt and I have a blog too. It's cool to see ya on the bloggin world! Talk to ya latas!


kelley said...

1, 2, 3, 4 . . . testing. It must be a success, It appeared on this end. Good luck with figuring it out. It will be fun to hear from you.

Aunt Kelley, there are three on this blog, me, Annie, and Rae. But mostly me.

Anonymous said...

HEllO! When did you get a blog? You could of let me know. SIlly!
Good job though.

Kelsey said...

Hi Makette. This is Kelsey. Send me your e-mail and I'll invite you to my blog. Oh my e-mail is

Patty said...

You have a good start. I need lots of help with my blog. I guess I'm not as comuputer literate as I thought. Can't wait to see more posts from you.

Love, Mom

The Morgans said...

hi everyone, thanks for the comments. I'm still trying to figure this out. I lost my cord to my camera so i can download pictures yet. I;m sure i will find it!!